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Accepting Sponsorships and Individual Golfers through May 31, 2024.

Registrations and payments NOW available via PayPal.
You may pay with an existing PayPal account or with a credit card.
Simply choose either a Sponsor or Golfer link below.

Partnership Opportunities

2024 ROI Golf Outing Benefits

Includes 8 golfers on day of event or at a later date of your choice by November 1, 2024. Company banner at clubhouse. Company signage on tee. Speaking opportunity at dinner event. Acknowledgement plaque. Recognition in all promotional literature. Logo on website.
Includes 4 golfers on day of event or at a later date of your choice by November 1, 2024. Company signage on tee. Recognition at dinner event and in promotional literature. Logo on website.
Includes 4 golfers. Company signage on tee. Logo on website.
Includes 2 golfers. Company signage on tee. Logo on website.
Logo on website.
Individual name or company logo listed on a sign at one of the tee boxes.

Foursome and Singles

Register a Foursome .... OR .... Register as an individual to join others.

Join the fun and support a great cause! Either form a team, join a team that needs another player, or create your own team with three other friends.


All golfers receive: 18 holes of golf, light breakfast and buffet dinner, gift bag.

8:30 a.m. Shotgun Start
Lunch Silent Auction ?Prizes & Raffle
Heritage Glen Golf Club
29795 Heritage Paw Paw, MI